Tuesday, December 10, 2013



I am really excited about next year at maeroa. I really like the idea of having a uniform. I am in room 20 and Toby is right next to me. I am going to join a lot of clubs like rock band and I will do cocking class so I can cock at home and not have to do the dishes.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

movie making


yesterday Devin Jerry and I decided to make a movie trailer using imovie on the ipad. At first we didn't know what to do it on but Devin thought that we could do it on Minecraft. so that's what were doing. we are nearly finished so I will post it when it is

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

bike wise


Yesterday room13 did bike wise. This is when a police officer comes in and teaches us the road rules. Our police officer was a female her name was Adrean. The first time she came she taught us some of the road rules and what you need to be able to leagaly be able to ride on the road. The second day we got our bikes and got into action. She had set up a course to ride our bikes around using the road rules of course. I had lots od fun and learnt to use a stop hand sighnal when I need to stop. And that Toby and I are the fastest bikers in the class.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Green Fizz


Today Room 13 did an experiment called Green Fizz. We had to make a green fizzy drink. My drink did not fizz but it was delicious Devins' on the other hand... was disgusting. it made me vomit in my mouth. Most peoples' were horrible as well. I had lots of fun doing this experiment . I would like to to do it again at home to see if Mum and Dad will drink it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

red cabbage indercater


Yesterday room 13 did a science experiment called the red cabbage indicator. We used red cabbage juice to test whether something was acid or alkaline. We put the cabbage juice in a test tube first then another ingredient to see what colour it changes into. First we added Coca-cola it slightly fizzed and changed to red, the next thing we did was egg white it changed to a blue colour, then we added  tomato juice and it changed into a purple.  After that we mixed baking powder which fizzed up then changed to purple.  Next was lemon juice and it turned  red. We also did orange juice which changed to a red purple colour.  Lastly we tested milk, this changed into a light purple. I really enjoyed doing this experiment and I can't wait until the next one.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013



There is 1 more race to go in the Americas Cup 2013.  The score is Emirates team NZ 8 and Oracle U.S.A.........................................8. This is going to be a close one, but personally I think NZ is going to WIN!!. The winner is first to win 9 races. Everyone in NZ is counting on TEAM NZ.   

GO TEAM NEW ZEALAND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013



Yesterday room 13 did our speeches. Mine was about Stonehenge and its history. my speech went for 2 min & 7 sec. I did not make it into the finials because no one voted for me. I think my speech was really good but not good enough. the finalists are Nikita, Natalie J and Roczen.